Friday, January 12, 2024

W eek Five

They are five weeks old already. Time is flying and it won't be long until they can go to their new homes. I am growing more attached to them every day and figuring out who is the best puppy for each home is overwhelming at times. I want to make sure the right puppy goes to the right home. There is much more to consider than spots. Today was weigh in time and they are growing nicely. Tundra is still the biggest at 6.7 pounds and Shiver is still the smallest at 5.7 pounds. All the rest are over 6 pounds. They are getting more playful and much braver. 

They are asking to be picked up by sitting in front of me. It usually works because who could resist this face?

They are getting most of their nourishment from me now as I am only letting Tiffin with them two times a day. I am hoping her milk will start to dry up soon. Like wild dogs she will throw up for them to eat. Not all dogs do this, but it is not uncommon. I hate it though. That is another reason I keep her away from them. She doesn't cry to be with them, so I think she is tired of motherhood. She is only concerned when a person she doesn't know comes in the house. Then she acts like a crazy dog which is so out of character for her. 

I set up a tunnel for them to play with, but it didn't go so well. They wanted to go through it, but others would jump on it and got it so twisted up they couldn't go through it. 

They really enjoyed playing in the wobble disk. They liked it when I spun it around.

I added a scent (anise) for them to find. I just sat and watched them to see if they could find it. It wasn't on the ground so that made it harder as some of them sniffed the ground but couldn't locate where the scent was coming from. Here are some pictures of them finding it and a short video.

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