The bunny
We made it through the first day but there were challenges. First let me say that Tiffin insists that she has 8 puppies. This darn rabbit is her favorite toy and she gets weird when she can't find it. It has been washed until the fur is coming off of it and it is quite worn out, but she loves it. I thought that I could sneak it away from her since she has the pups to contend with. Big mistake. She wouldn't settle until I gave it back to her. I won't make that mistake again.
So, during the night she became restless and started acting strange. She was shaking and crying and wanted to go out many times. But heck who sleeps with a new litter anyway. So by morning she was frantic. I thought perhaps eclampsia, so I gave her some calcium and called the Vet. Fortunately for me I have a wonderful vet who said bring her right in. Thanks again, Dr Mellissa Voll-Stouffer! It seems that although her calcium levels were lower than we would like not low enough to cause this problem. An x-ray confirmed that there was still a placenta or part of one in her uterus. Now that that is taken care of Tiffin is back to her sweet happy self! Me, I am a tired mess but at least I had time for a shower!
I am happy to report all 7 puppies gained weight and are either eating or sleeping. Quiet puppies are a good thing!
I did manage to get the litter registration papers sent to AKC. Unfortunately, an AI with frozen semen litter can't be done online.
So, this is a day in the life of a dog breeder. Here are a few pictures from today. That is Avalanche sleeping with the bunny.