Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Day Fifty-Three 

It was another dry day in the mid 30's so I took the pups outside for a while. I was hoping running and playing and eating dirt or whatever else they could find would tire them out. When we came back in, they were invigorated instead of tired. It only lasted a very short time, and they were fast asleep.  A tired puppy is a good puppy so when they are ready to play I try to find something different for them to play with. 

The videos are of them playing with a toy that plays a lot of different sounds and songs depending on which part of it they step one. They had some fun with that.

Today was also nail trimming day. They really don't like that. I stuck some peanut butter on the roof of their mouths to give them something else to think about. 

She can look directly into your soul with those eyes. I will miss my little Shiver.