Sunday, January 7, 2024

Day Thirty 

Today was a much better day than yesterday. I believe both dogs are feeling much better although Tiffin thinks I am trying to starve her with this bland diet. Puppies are getting new experiences every day. Today I challenged them a bit. I put the bottom rung in the pen opening so they had to figure out how to get into the pen to take a nap. It took some of them longer than others but all except Tundra got in quickly. Tundra didn't want a nap. He wanted to stay with me, so he didn't even try. Also, I got Tundra and Avalanche to sit for a treat. It took some time because they thought jumping on me would get them picked up. When that didn't work, they finally sat at which time they got the treat I was holding. I did them one at a time. Tomorrow I will try a couple more pups to see how they react.

They got to experience some new toys today. One was quite noisy, but they didn't seem to mind.
Sweet dreams Blizzard and Polar

New Toys

Tiffin is such a good mommy.

Thirsty boy

Here are some videos so you can see them in action.