Day Forty-Eight
Well, the hearing test is over so one more thing I can check off the never-ending list. The results were as I expected 6 bilateral hearing and 1 unilateral hearing. Chill only hears in his right ear which I knew since he was 3 weeks old. I could tell because I have watched these puppies for many hours since day one. I observed that when he was sleeping soundly on his right ear, and I made the pssst sound his little head did not pop up but when he was sleeping on his left ear he would respond instantly. Being a uni myself I could understand what was going on. Fortunately for him his new owner has trained unilateral Dals in the past and he will have a wonderful normal life learning obedience, agility, tracking and who knows what else!
I was so pleased with the puppies when I got up this morning because everyone hit the potty patch during the night. Sometimes they get on it but only the front makes it all the way on leaving the business end off target.
So here are some of the pictures we took today.