Wednesday, January 31, 2024

 Day Fifty-Four

This is the last Wednesday that the Allison 7 will be together. I called them the Allison 7 because that was the reference on the shipping label when I shipped the blood samples to the OFA lab. It made me laugh when I read that. Made them sound like a team of bank robbers or something. 

On Friday they begin leaving. The right home has not come along for Tundra. My heart says he is already home, but my head says I am too old to do him justice. Maks says I don't like him, or his siblings so please make them go away. 

It was a sad day because these puppies' great, great grandmother Bridgette gained her Angel wings. 
I took the pups outside to play again today. Here are some pics I took.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Day Fifty-Three 

It was another dry day in the mid 30's so I took the pups outside for a while. I was hoping running and playing and eating dirt or whatever else they could find would tire them out. When we came back in, they were invigorated instead of tired. It only lasted a very short time, and they were fast asleep.  A tired puppy is a good puppy so when they are ready to play I try to find something different for them to play with. 

The videos are of them playing with a toy that plays a lot of different sounds and songs depending on which part of it they step one. They had some fun with that.

Today was also nail trimming day. They really don't like that. I stuck some peanut butter on the roof of their mouths to give them something else to think about. 

She can look directly into your soul with those eyes. I will miss my little Shiver.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Day Fifty-Two 

The puppies are at the getting into everything stage. By the end of this week, they will be leaving for their new homes. It is a very bittersweet time. They need to get one on one time with their new families but the thought of watching them leave is starting to make me sad. I've never felt this way with previous litters. Perhaps it is because this will most certainly be my last litter.  

This puppy has stolen my heart from the beginning when he started following me around rather than play with his siblings.

With so many toys to choose to play with the very best one other than the fish is an empty water bottle. 

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Day Fifty-One 

Today I managed to cross a few more things off of the list thanks to a wonderful Vet. Thank you, Dr. Mellissa Voll-Stouffer and helper Candice. They came on a Sunday and did a blood draw on the puppies for the CHIC DNA Litter Program. The blood will be stored in a canine blood bank for use in future research programs. The Dalmatian Club of America has been a leader in this.

While she was here, she also gave the puppies their first set of inoculations and certified their health. All passed. I took them outside again today to try to tire them out. It was wet and chilly but instead of tiring them out it seems to have invigorated them. Heaven help me this upcoming week. 

Who would think finding a twig would make a puppy prance around carrying it?

Finally, they are getting tired.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Day Fifty 

My dear friend LaDonna King came and took pictures of the puppies today. I know a lot of you wanted to see stacked pictures so today is your day. It was great to see LaDonna and take puppy pictures again. Over many years we have taken pictures of many, many litters but I believe this will be our last one. LaDonna was the breeder of this litter's grandmother Harlow. She also was the breeder of the great grandfather Gage. We have had lots of adventures together and made many memories. Thank you, LaDonna!

 I will post 5 pictures of each puppy. (left side, right side, front, rear and face). Some are better than others because some of the pups were more cooperative. Before I start that here is a picture that would make a good puzzle.