Day Twenty-Three
As 2023 comes to an end and I think back over the past year the most enjoyable times happened because Tiffin was the center of it.
- January 6 - she finished her Championship with her 4th major win.
- March 11 - she became Farm Dog Certified
- March 12 - she passed her AKC Temperament Test
- April 23 - she got her Coursing Ability Test Title
- May 28 - she got her Coursing Ability Advanced Title
- June 5 - she got her Fit Dog Bronze Title
- July 8 - she got her Fast Cat DCAT Title
- December 8 - she presented me with 7 beautiful babies
When we weren't out competing, we were in different types of training classes. At home she followed me as I mowed the grass or went from room to room as I pushed the sweeper. Words can describe how much she means to me, so I won't even try.
So today in puppy world I made some changes. I expanded the pen by adding 2 ex-pens. Also introduced them to some different kinds of toys. I put in a wobble board which didn't really phase them. Here is Polar getting on it.
So, it took Maks all of 45 seconds to open both latches on the ex-pen and go in with the puppies. Neither Tiffin nor I was happy about that.
Here is a picture of how much more room they have now but I realize that I don't have enough potty patches.
All of us here at Rim Rock are wishing all of you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!